
Transactions are made up of a list of operations.
Each operation is an individual command that mutates the ledger.

Here are the possible operation types:

  • Create Account
  • Payment
  • Path Payment Strict Send
  • Path Payment Strict Receive
  • Manage Buy Offer
  • Manage Sell Offer
  • Create Passive Sell Offer
  • Set Options
  • Change Trust
  • Allow Trust
  • Account Merge
  • Manage Data
  • Bump Sequence

Operations are executed on behalf of the source account specified in the
transaction, unless there is an override defined for the operation.


Each operation falls under a specific threshold category: low, medium, or high.
Thresholds define the level of privilege an operation needs in order to succeed.

  • Low Security:
    • AllowTrust
    • BumpSequence
  • Medium Security:
    • Everything Else (Payment, ChangeTrust, etc.).
  • High Security:
    • AccountMerge
    • SetOptions (only when changing signers and the thresholds for each category).

Validity of an Operation

When an operation is submitted as a part of a transaction to the network, the node to which the
transaction is initially submitted checks the validity of each operation before attempting to
include the entire transaction in a candidate transaction set. For more details on this process,
see the lifecycle of a transaction.

The operation validity checks at this level of the protocol are intended to be fast and simple,
leaving more intensive checks to be applied after fees have been consumed. The following conditions
determine whether an operation is valid or not:

  1. The signatures on the transaction are valid for the operation. This includes:
    • The signatures are from valid signers for the source account of the operation.
    • The combined weight of all signatures for the source account of the operation meet the
      threshold for the operation.
  2. The operation itself is well formed. Typically this means checking the parameters for the
    operation to see if they’re in a valid format.

    • For example, only positive values can be set for the amount of a payment operation.
  3. The operation must be valid in the current protocol version of the network. Many newer
    operations are only valid when the current protocol version is greater than or equal to the
    version where the operation was first introduced, for example ManageBuyOffer in Kuknos
    Protocol 11.


For each operation, there is a matching result type. In the case of success, this result allows
users to gather information about the effects of the operation. In the case of failure, it allows
users to learn more about the error.


۱. Exchanging without a third party

Anush wants to send Bridget some XLM (Operation 1) in exchange for BTC (Operation 2).

The following transaction is constructed:

  • Source Account = Anush_account
  • Operation 1
    • Source Account = null (Inferred to be Anush_account from the transaction source account)
    • Payment (XLM) –> Bridget_account
  • Operation 2
    • Source Account = Bridget_account
    • Payment (BTC) –> Anush_account


  • Operation 1: Requires signatures from Anush_account (the operation inherits
    the source account from the transaction) to meet medium threshold for a Payment operation.
  • Operation 2: Requires signatures for Bridget_account to meet medium threshold for a Payment
  • Transaction: Requires signatures for Anush_account to meet low threshold since Anush_account
    is the source for the entire transaction.

Therefore, if both Anush_account and Bridget_account sign the transaction, it will be
validated. Other, more complex ways of submitting this transaction are possible (typically
involving multi-sig), but signing with those two accounts is sufficient.

۲. Workers

An anchor wants to divide the processing of their online ("base") account between machines. That
way, each machine will submit transactions from its local account and keep track of its own
sequence number.

  • Each machine gets a key pair associated with it. For this example, let’s say there are 3
    machines: Machine_1, Machine_2, and Machine_3.
  • All three machines are added as Signers to the anchor’s base account BaseAccount, with
    a weight that gives each individual key the ability to perform medium security transactions. The
    worker machines can then sign on behalf of the base account. For more on signing, please refer
    to our multisig documentation.
  • When a machine (say Machine_2) wants to submit a transaction to the network, it constructs the
    following transaction:

    • Source Account = Machine_2
    • Sequence Number = Sequence number of Machine_2‘s account
    • Operation 1
    • Source Account = BaseAccount
    • Payment (USD) –> DestinationAccount


  • Operation 1: Requires the signatures from BaseAccount to meet medium threshold for a Payment
    operation. Since Machine_2 is a signer on BaseAccount which meets medium threshold, the
    signature is valid and sufficient.
  • Transaction: Requires signatures for Machine_2 to meet low threshold since Machine_2 is the
    source for the entire transaction. Without changing the thresholds for Machine_2,
    Machine_2‘s key will already be able to perform up to high security operations, and will be
    valid and sufficient.

The benefit of this scheme is that each machine can increment its sequence number and submit a
transaction without invalidating any transactions submitted by the other machines. Recall from our
transactions documentation that all transactions from a source account have
their own specific sequence number. Using worker machines, each with their own separate account,
allows an anchor to submit as many transactions as possible without sequence number collisions.

۳. Long-lived Transactions

Transactions that require multiple parties to sign, such as the exchange transaction between Anush
and Bridget from example #1, can take an arbitrarily long time. Because all transactions are
constructed with specific sequence numbers, waiting on the signatures can block Anush’s account. To
avoid this situation, a scheme similar to Example #2 can be used.

Anush would create a temporary account Anush_temp, fund Anush_temp with XLM, and add the
Anush_account public key as signer to Anush_temp with a weight crossing at least the low

A transaction is then constructed:

  • Source Account = Anush_temp
  • Sequence Number = Sequence number of Anush_temp‘s account
  • Operation 1
    • Source Account = Anush_account
    • Payment (XLM) -> Bridget_account
  • Operation 2
    • Source Account = Bridget_account
    • Payment (BTC) -> Anush_account


  • Operation 1: Requires the signatures from Anush_account to meet the medium threshold for a
    Payment operation.
  • Operation 2: Requires the signatures from Bridget_account to meet the medium threshold for a
    Payment operation.
  • Transaction: Requires the signatures for Anush_temp to meet low threshold since Anush_temp is
    the source for the entire transaction.

All of these requirements would be met by having Anush_account and Bridget_account with the
current setup, but with the additional benefit that the sequence number consumed will be from
account Anush_temp. This allows Anush_account to continue to perform other operations while
awaiting signature.

If Anush_account wants to recover the XLM balance from Anush_temp used to fund the account, an
additional operation "Operation 3" can be included in the transaction. If you want to do this,
Anush_temp must add Anush_account as a signer with a weight that crosses the high threshold:

  • Operation 3
    • Source Account = null (Inferred to be Anush_temp from the transaction source account)
    • Account Merge -> Anush_account

This will ultimately merge Anush_temp‘s balance into Anush_account.